LOOKBOOK — 4 Looks Using Morphe 15D Day Slayer Artistry Palette

Hiii dollss!!

I miss you all! ❤

I am so sorry that it has taken me a long time to post anything in general. Have I mentioned how busy I have been? Literally no time for my blog at the moment. 😦

Hopefully after this weekend things will go back to normal (somewhat) and we can get back to makeup. Speaking of makeup, I will be doing a 12 Days of Christmas thing over on my Instagram which will be STRICTLY makeup looks. I’m really excited for it because it’s kind of like a mini challenge but not really and it has been a LONG time since I’ve done this kind of thing in a while.

Anyway, if you want to see those looks in real time, go follow me over there! I am hoping I can do some kind of recap for those of you who don’t follow me/don’t have IG, etc.

But enough about that, let’s get to this lookbook which will be brief. The palette review will be up soon-ish in the next week or two 🙂


P.S. I didn’t take the best pictures of these looks because I kind of forgot to as soon as I was done with the look… Also, I am trying out different settings on my camera, so I’m sorry the lighting seems off in each one. Not the greatest natural lighting here either.. 

#1: Smokey Neutral

First Impressions: Some shades blended well and some required more buildup (Forever, Editor, and Dessert). Dessert also looked a bit patchy on the outer corners. The shade Spark was hard to transfer onto my eyelids using a brush so I resorted to using my finger.


Shades Used: Natural, Forever, Editor, Dessert, Spark


You can’t tell in these pictures how patchy the darker shade was, but my first impressions of this palette were not great.

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#2: Gold Spark

The first photo looks MUCH better than the second, it was one of those days where I couldn’t take a good photo so these photos don’t do this look any justice.


Shades Used: Natural, In the Crease, Define, Highlight, Sweet


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#3: Monochrome Copper

By the time I created this look, I think I had gotten the hang of how to use most of the matte shades, so this is probably the look I like best out of all. It did require more buildup on the crease, but it still turned out okay.


Shades Used: Natural, Upbeat, Epic, Blend


I do like how good these shades look together. They blended nicely into each other and at the same time kind of stand out a bit from each other.

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#4: Orange Glow

My one attempt to make a look a bit more “bold” which didn’t turn out as well as I hoped, but I’ll take it. I think the lipstick shines more than the eyeshadow, like it could have been a bit more pigmented or something… And trust me, I tried..


Shades Used: Upbeat, In the Crease, Glow, Highlight


Alright, these are the looks I came up with for this palette. To be completely honest, none of them are my favorite, though I do like Monochrome Copper the best. It was one of those palettes that didn’t spark any creativity or joy, as dark as that might sound. I will have my review up as soon as I finish writing it up and editing the photos, etc.

Thanks for stopping by and not forgetting about me! T_T


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27 thoughts on “LOOKBOOK — 4 Looks Using Morphe 15D Day Slayer Artistry Palette

  1. Well you might not have liked them much, but I think they’re all beautiful! Your blending skills are top-notch girl 😉. Morphe is so hit and miss in my book, but to be honest I haven’t tried too many of their palettes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much love! I’ve definitely seen a slight growth in my makeup skills lately lol
      This would be my first morphe palette. I had put off buying their palettes for so long because many people said their mattes were not that great and I agree.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You can pull off that orange glow look so, so dang well! I love the smokey eye look, and I’m so impressed and envious of those who can blend their makeup and it look absolutely perfect. I don’t even wear eyeshadow, but when I get a want for it on ocassion, I’ll have someone [like my sister] who knows what to do! Haha. I love seeing your different looks, Rossy, and glad to see more of your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks lovely! The smokey eye is definitely the kind of look I’d wear on the daily. And blending makeup takes a looooot of time but I promise you it’s worth it lol.
      You can also do simpler looks with one shade on the crease and a beautifully shimmer shade! 🤗 but practice makes perfect and anyone can do makeup! Theres no right or wrong way.
      Thanks so much love, and thanks for stopping by!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the orange look!! They’re all pretty but I can see what you mean about the colors not really sparking creativity/joy. Neutral palettes don’t always feel the most exciting, even though they’re the most reached for!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ll also find that as you’re doing your makeup, it may not look like you’ll like it when you’re right in the middle of it, but finish it before you decide to take it off. Sometimes makeup doesnt look pretty as you’re doing it and when its finally finished, you realize you like it more than you thought you would. Happens to me a lot lol.


  4. Aw I’ve never tried Morphe before but it seems to be a popular brand. I expected so much better! I can totally tell the patchiness in the first look but still, it turned out really well! I would say the 3rd one is my favorite, too. The colors blended in perfectly together. So pretty! & The lippie in that last one is amazing! Totally would have been just a tiiiiny better if the eyeshadow had been more pigmented, I agree, but still gorgeous! 😍

    I took a sneak peek at your IG & OMG my jaw dropped. So many fun & creative looks!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a very popular brand, but I think they became famous for their brushes, not their makeup? Yeah many people have told me their mattes are not the best but the shimmers and metallics are bomb but I’m just not as down for those haha
      Thanks lovely! And thanks for checking out my insta too, I’m hoping I can put them on here on time for Wednesday as a loookbook 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YAY! I was really hoping you’d bring the IG challenge over to the blog!! You may think I’m silly but when I sneaked a peek at your page, I looked really quickly & closed it because I didn’t wanna spoil them all haha. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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