Influenster S&W Savory Sides VoxBox Review

Happy Saturday!

I’ve been writing up this blog post this morning because I was too busy to finish it for Wednesday. However, it needs to get done so I’m doing it today even though I don’t regularly post on the weekends. Anyway, this will be my last post as I’m taking the next week off, even though my break technically already started but hey, I need it!

Uhm, but yeah.. I will be working on other content throughout the week or at least plan for it, and I will get back to blogging officially during Thanksgiving week. πŸ™‚

So let’s get started and let me review these S&W Savory Sides!

Disclosure: I received this voxbox complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.


S&W Savory Sides Voxbox


So I received this voxbox thanks to Influenster and even though I don’t usually eat canned beans, I was really excited to dig in and try all these new to me flavors!

I received the following four flavors:

  • Indian Style
  • New Orleans Style
  • Tuscan Style
  • Southwest Style

Let me tell you what I thought about each one! And I’m sorry in advance because I unfortunately didn’t get to create elaborate dishes with them. However, they came in handy when I needed to make something quick for lunch!

Indian Style

Sauced garbanzos with peppers, onions and curry


I don’t remember liking garbanzos when I was little, but I think the curry sauce made them taste better. I think out of all the sides, these were my least favorite due to the texture. However, I do think these are at the top of my list in terms of flavor and taste. They were really good and had a hint of spicy but they’re still pretty mild for people who don’t eat spicy. The flavors meld together wonderfully. My brother liked them too.

New Orleans Style

Sauced red beans with peppers, onions and creole seasoning


I don’ know what creole is but I felt as though the flavor was very strong that it overpowered the taste of the rice. I’m not sure if I liked that intensity of the flavor, but I think the taste was still good nonetheless. Even so, this side tasted the way I thought New Orleans style beans would taste like, so I wasn’t completely disappointed. They were sweet and savory and I love that they were made with green bell peppers, onions and celery, I think the veggies really gave them that added flavor.

Tuscan Style

Sauced cannellini beans with olive oil garlic and herbs


Loved the subtlety of flavor in this side. I wanted to keep it vegetarian, so I decided to add a side of oven roasted green beans aside from the rice, and the beans went well with everything. I liked the flavor of these a lot, it was strong on its own but it didn’t overpower everything else.

I’m beating myself up because this would have been a nice side to chicken milanesa. I also never had cannellini beans before so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed them. In terms of ingredients these were probably the simplest but they were still very tasty and possible my top choice out of them all.

Southwest Style

Sauced black beans with bell peppers, Anaheim peppers, onions and cumin


These were also pretty good but my least favorite. The beans themselves are very flavorful and like the rest, went well with the rice. I kind of expected these to have a hint of spicy, as I feel Southwest style foods should have some of that but these didn’t at all. Anaheim peppers are milder than jalapenos so this side would be good for those who don’t eat spicy foods. Even so, they were good, but probably my last choice to buy.

All the flavors of beans were really good and I will definitely think about picking some up to serve as a side for my more elaborate dishes. They’re already made for you, flavorful, and all you need to do is heat them up and they’re ready to go.


I love the fact that these are NON GMO and vegetarian so it’s great for those of you who are vegetarian. Has anyone tried these yet? And if not, which flavor do you think you’d go for?

Thanks for reading, and I will see you all in a week dolls! ❀


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Disclosure: I received this voxbox complimentary from Influenter for testing purposes. All opinions are my own and 100% honest. I didn’t receive any compensation for this review, just the product(s) to try.

44 thoughts on “Influenster S&W Savory Sides VoxBox Review

  1. How fun that Influenster sent you some food this time! I haven’t seen these in stores yet but I’m guilty of enjoying canned baked beans from time to time so these all look and sound pretty good to me! Especially the Tuscan one– your green beans look great, too! Yum!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t think I will ever get another Influenster box because I didn’t complete my survey for the last box. 😦

        I just was at the grocery store today but I forgot to look for these beans… next time though!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You might get another in the future, all you have to keep doing is review products on there and get badges if you get chosen for the virtual VoxBox.
          Since you’ve tried so many different products due to your lactose intolerance, I bet you can find those products on there too and review them. You’ll get foodie badges and that may qualify you for future food boxes 😊

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Don’t quote me on this, but I have a feeling that those surveys are to see who is active in the app? Idk. I could be completely wrong but I mean, I’d give it a shot and you never know, you might. They also do virtual boxes and that’s usually just reviewing products etc. Some require purchase but I don’t really do those. A few are going into stores to try their testers and to give your thoughts.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Oh okay! I might try to get back into Influenster. I thought the survey said something like “if you ever want another box you have to fill this out” lol. I’ve been accepted for those Virtual Boxes a few times. Only once I participated because all you had to do was take a “shelfie” in CVS and I’m there all the time so it was easy but the other ones seem a bit more difficult!

            I did try doing a lot of reviews on cat food but, still kept getting asked all beauty questions in the pre-surveys. I want something free for my “kiddos” haha.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. You got nothing to lose really lol. I hope you get another box in the future!
            Lol maybe there’s a demand for beauty products at the moment. It does seem like they mostly send beauty products in boxes and very rarely lifestyle and food ones.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. Okay, I’m changing the subject because did you see they freakin’ changed the Boxyluxe from 11 items to 9 for December?? I saw the whole spoiler though and still want it but… people are maaad!!

            Liked by 1 person

          5. I cancelled my wait because I’ve decided against getting the Luxe. They e-mailed me saying to upgrade now and I could still get it so I guess they’re not out of stock yet? They added another box variation too. I’m just getting the regular box now though. I re-signed up for Ipsy in hopes to one day get the Plus but the waitlist isn’t even open for it!!

            Liked by 1 person

          6. I know! It seems like not a lot of people are getting the Ipsy PLUS as it is and their waitlist isn’t open so who knows how long it will be until they accept new members. πŸ˜›

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          7. Oh I wonder if it was some kind of soft “opening” like only having a limited amount to see how it does. Same way that Sephora started. When Sephora started it was only in a few states and when they saw it was doing well they extended it nationwide. Ipsy might be doing the same because right now, Boxycharm and even Sephora have “plus” versions of their regular subscriptions so there’s lots of competition

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          8. I had to look it up again, it’s called Play! Luxe. They include a makeup bag, just like ipsy, and I think this one is for $20 and it’s also limited edition? I wonder if they just have a limited amount of bags each month but it looks like it’s still available for purchase right now.

            Liked by 1 person

          9. Okay so after the full spoilers came out, I counted the items. There are only 9 included in both variations. I was puzzled so then went onto Boxycharm’s IG and saw people commenting who were upset about how they JUST updated their website on the 15th. So now if you go to their Boxyluxe FAQs page and click “What is Boxyluxe?” it says right underneath “Last Updated: November 15, 2018” and the answer to the question says: “you’ll receive a minimum of 9 luxury lifestyle, beauty and skincare items” now instead of 11.

            The boxes both look good to me though. I’d pay for either one so I stayed on the waitlist. πŸ˜› I read a lot of people commenting that they were opting out though and Boxy’s website says they’re not sold out yet (?) so fingers crossed I am still able to get one next month somehow!!

            I got this month’s box in the mail today. πŸ˜€

            Liked by 1 person

          10. Oh man that really blows. Haven’t been on IG because that’s like prime spoiler alert there haha but thats a load of bs, I wonder why they went back on their word.. hmm if people opt out the spaces will definitely fill so hopefully you get a spot!! It’s still two weeks left before the payment lol. I got my box over the eeekend too and took some photos of it today so I’m excited to come back to the blog possibly next week, I have to extend my leave an extra week because I’ve been busy with lots of things here but I’ve been making sure to take photos for upcoming posts lol


          11. I don’t think they ever ran out of spots for the December Luxe box because they kept saying they had some left and to upgrade now, and then they commented on IG that everyone on the waitlist was going to get one! I just opted out of getting one after the spoilers for the regular box came out. 😜

            I can’t wait until you return!!! But I get that you’re busy!!! β™‘β™‘β™‘

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Cool box! I’ve never gotten a food VoxBox from Influenster before. Although I don’t eat a whole lot of beans, I would still be interested in trying these. I love how there are different flavors. The New Orleans one looks/sounds the best to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a fun box and I enjoyed trying everything lol. I just love to eat haha. I do eat beans often but up until I tried these I had only tried the red and pinto ones and garbanzo when I was a kid, the rest were really good though. The New Orleans one was my least favorite just because it overpowered my entire meal BUT I’m sure that with something else on the side the flavors would meld well together it’s not too bad, it’s actually pretty good

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is too cool that they literally sent you these from influenster! All these flavors look phenomenal and perfect for a cold chilly day. I don’t even know if I could choose which flavor to go for- but I think the Indian one. Yum!!! Have a great week

    Liked by 1 person

  4. All of these sounds so good!! I often forget that canned beans are an option for sides with meals lol. I hope you are enjoying your break!! You deserve it girl. πŸ™‚ ❀


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