Sailor Moon x ColourPop LOOKBOOK: 5 Looks Using the Pretty Guardian Palette

Heyyy dolllss!!!

I finally finished my lookbook for the Sailor Moon Pretty Guardian Palette!! I really enjoyed playing around with this palette, the shades are so pretty! Let me show you what looks I created with this gorgeous palette and let me know which look(s) is/are your favorite. 🙂

Here is the palette to refresh your memory:


READ: Sailor Moon x ColourPop — GRWM & First Impressions

Look #1: Pink Moonflower

I know these photos aren’t the best and they really don’t do the look any justice at all, but I really loved the way it turned out. I’m usually not super thrilled about the first look I do with a new palette, but this one is pretty and I’m glad a lot of you liked it as well.


Makeup Details:
Shades Used: Twilight Flash, Moon Castle, Tuxedo Rose, Silver Crystal, and Silver Millennium | Cat’s Eye Blush & Moon Tiara Ultra Glossy Lip


The pink shade Tuxedo Rose is truly beautiful and I love how bright and vibrant it is. I initially meant to do a neutral/subtle kind of look but I was not expecting just how pigmented and bright the shades were, so that definitely took me by surprise. However, I’m okay with that. Feel free to watch me create this look here.

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Look #2: Luna Rosa

Luna is such a gorgeous iridescent lilac/lavender kind of shade, and I just immediately wanted to create a “purpley-rose” kind of look as soon as I could. I named this look Luna Rose, literally ‘Pink Moon‘, because it’s not fully purple? Miracle Romance is not quite purple, it pulls a bit pinky/rosey.


Makeup Details:
Shades Used: Twilight Flash, Miracle Romance, Luna | Cat’s Eye Blush & NYX SMLC in Milan & Buxom Top Coat Plumping Lip Polish in Iris


I’m honestly in love with this look too. I was not able to find a lip cocktail that matched closely to the eyes but I think I got close enough. Maybe I’ll try a different cocktail later.

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Look #3: Daylight Love

“Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight.”

The whole bottom row is full of pretty shades and it was obvious to me by just looking at the palette that I wanted to use them all in a look. This was the second time I did this look, only because initially I wanted to use white eyeliner but totally messed up so I waited until the next day to try again.


Makeup Details:
Shades Used: Justice, Tuxedo Rose, Miracle Romance, Twilight Flash, Silver Millennium | Cat’s Eye Blush & Usagi Ultra Blotted Lip & Moon Tiara Ultra Glossy Lip


I also wasn’t a huge fan of the Ultra Blotted Lip, as pretty as the shade is, but I didn’t like how it was wearing on me. It applied a bit patchy, and if I added too much it made my lips dry? Or perhaps I’m not hydrated enough? I don’t know. I’m still trying to work this out, so I changed the lip to the Ultra Glossy Lip below.


Is this look better with:
Usagi Ultra Blotted Lip; or
Moon Tiara Ultra Glossy Lip??

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Look #4: Gloaming

I wanted to use the bottom row again but more blended onto one another and this is what I created. Another sunset look. The shades look so pretty like this, I’m so wowed!


Makeup Details:
Shades Used: Justice, Tuxedo Rose, Love, Moon Castle, Silver Crystal, Luna
Cat’s Eye Blush & Usagi Ultra Blotted Lip


I used a lot of the shades in this look; I used Silver Crystal on the lid and a little bit of Luna on the inner corner and those shades made the entire look pop more. Again, I wasn’t a fan of the Ultra Blotted Lip. As you can see in the photo below it looks a bit uneven on my top lip so it was hard to get an even layer of it. Maybe I’m not applying it correctly. If anyone has tips, please let me know.


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Look #5: Day Spring

The more subtle and simplest look in this lookbook. I really wanted to try and create a look like this to see if it was possible with a bright palette. I initially meant to do a look like this one first but dipped into a bright shade instead lol.


Makeup Details:
Shades Used: Shining Moon, Moon Castle, Twilight Flash, Mare Serenitatis
Cat’s Eye Blush & Moon Tiara Ultra Glossy Lip


I ended up using the glitter, Mare Serenitatis, but had to use a glitter primer for it adhere onto my lid. I do want to point out that added it lightly* on purpose. I think if I would have packed it on more, it would have been too much for such a simple look.

I don’t know if anyone noticed but I hardly used falsies for this palette. I wanted the colors to shine on their own and frankly I really am starting to like the look with only mascara. I just need to find the perfect mascara for me. Anyway, in the upcoming weeks I will be posting reviews of the products I bought from this collection. Cannot wait!!

Which look is your favorite?
Will you be picking up this palette when it restocks?


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47 thoughts on “Sailor Moon x ColourPop LOOKBOOK: 5 Looks Using the Pretty Guardian Palette

  1. As always it’s impossible for me to choose a favourite! Rossy you are the MUA of the blogosphere, your makeup lookbooks always bring me so much joy, and are always so creative! So lets get into the looks 😍😍😍

    #1 Pink Moonflowers brings out your eyes so well! So pretty angel 😍

    #2 EEK for sure one of my favourite looks from this lookbook! How stunning are you and these shades 😍😍😍 Wow! I love how well you’ve put together that look, the eyeshadow is completely flawless and the lip colour compliments so well! I thought you’d chosen the perfect lip before you even mentioned about trying to put together the perfect colours- so I think you did a phenomenal job! Talented lady!!

    #3 Daylight Love okay another favourite, I am loving this mix of colours babe and you’ve blended them together so well! Queen tell me again how you aren’t legit a qualified makeup artist? I swear, you are so talented. If you went to makeup school just to get the qualification for example, girl you’d be better than the teachers!!!! Again this look makes your eyes pop beautifully! Stunner 😍😍😍 Oh and with the lip, I like it with the gloss, it looks so pretty however I do think the matte lip colour compliments the look so well also, perhaps with a clear gloss on top so it still has that glossy finish? Both are stunning but out of the two, the glossy finish is my favourite! I love the shade and finish 😍😍😍

    #4 Girl you’re so talented! I’m loving this mix of colours and how good at blending you are! So beaut! Again your eyes look stunning 😍

    #5 Day Spring is so sweet! I’m loving that soft romantic feel to the look, very dreamy! It’s giving me ‘Paris chic’ vibes for some reason?!?! I love! And the eyeliner is on fleek!

    I’m so excited to see more lookbooks from you Angel, and more makeup reviews! You’re the best ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awwh you’re the sweetest Jennie!!! 😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 that truly means a lot, thank you!

      #1: thank youu!! Ironically I’m not a huge* fan of pink but I think playing with pink eyeshadow over the years, I’m now more inclined to use it.

      #2: I’m glad you think the lip complements the eyes well 🤗 sometimes I can be overly critical of myself of little choices like that lol

      #3 one of my faves too!! 🧡🧡 you know I thought about it, going to beauty school and all, maybe I’ll look into it and get the qualification and what not lol. I think thats a bit different here, I don’t think they have courses for just* makeup I don’t think which is why i haven’t looked into it 🤣 also, not sure that I can do makeup as well on other people like I can on myself haha. I definitely think the ultra blotted lip suits this look more too. I almost did add the gloss on top but because I wasn’t liking it, I decided to take it off lol.

      #4: thank youu!! These shades were probably my favorite in this palette so I had to use them again 😃

      #5: this look didn’t quite turn out the way I hoped, but I do like how soft it is.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to write me such a lovely comment and for all your sweet comments. You’re truly so supportive and amazing and I’m glad to have a friend like you! 🧡🧡😭😭


    1. Thank you Cleia!
      I think that yellow shade and the pink one next to it are my favorites lol. And I agree, at first I didnt think I could make that many looks with it but was impressed that I kind of could? I just had to get a little creative and think outside of the box I normally am in lol

      Liked by 1 person

    1. awww thank you so much! i still feel like i have a long way to go with makeup 🙂
      and sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner, this comment got lost in spam 😦
      thanks for stopping by, have an amazing week xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooo, the first one really is so bright & vibrant! 😍 That’s awesome that the shades were more pigmented than you expected! Usually, it’s the opposite! Your lippie in look 2 is super pretty, I think it matches the eye look perfectly even if not exactly. 😉 & whoooa, I imagined that 3rd look with a white eyeliner, I bet that would look super cool! & I think it looks good with both lippies. The gloss just makes it more casual/everyday wearable. The last look is so cute on you, it’s so light & princessy. ♡ I agree that too many sparkles wouldn’t have looked as nice! Looking forward to your reviews on the rest of the products in this line. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. the first look is one of my favorites lol i’m glad they were more pigmented too i was thinking they would be extremely light because pastels can be hard to get right.
      i think people have* done the 3rd look with white eyeliner but i didn’t want to copy as cool as it looked, so i decided to skip it and not ruin the look, my white eyeliners have been a bit hard to work with so i didnt want to bother that day haha
      i think i have officially finished posting all my reviews of this collection, i am currently working on another palette review for (hopefully) tomorrow (monday)
      thanks for stopping by!! i missed seeing you around here so much!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, pastels are hard for me, too. They kind of just disappear into my skin most of the time lol. Glad that wasn’t the case with this palette at all. 🙂 I’ve been seeing a lot of white eyeliner looks & it seriously looks so cool. Do you know if people use a liquid white one or if they are all pencils? I’ve actually never seen liquid white eyeliner if it’s out there?!

        I am so excited to see what palette you played with next. 😀 😀 It’s was SUCH a joy catching up on your blog, love! I’m so happy to be back! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. it’s always best to use a white base, concealer, etc. it helps the shades stick and are more pigmented that way 🙂
          i think they might use both? i have both a liquid liner like the nyx one that i use all the time and a pen from essence, maybe not all stores sell them but they’re out there, just not advertised as much?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I *always* put concealer on my lids before eyeshadow & I didn’t even know I was “priming” them LOL. I would love to see a liquid white eyeliner!!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Nice!! 😀 I’ve tried to use concealer on my lids that way but it doesn’t work for me so I have to use eyeshadow primers that look* like concealers. I usually only use a concealer to cut the crease, but sometimes that ruins my makeup on top, especially if it’s a pretty shimmer shade.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. whenever you try it i’d love to see a photo 😀 😀 😀 eventually I’ll have to make some kind of pictorial for cut-creases because many people have asked me. I’m not like super good but I can only give some tips I’ve learned along the way LOL

            Liked by 1 person

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