April 2018 Collective Haul + Try-On


April is OVER! Whaaaaa?! Seriously, where is the time going?!

PLOT TWIST: Time doesn’t exist! *gasp*

Quick Announcement:

I slept on it and decided this morning that I will be taking part in Always Cleia’s and Super Nova Beauty Blog’s #SpringIntoSummer2018 May Instagram Beauty Challenge. I know that I just* finished my April 30 Days of Makeup challenge, and I just found out about this challenge yesterday, but I feel like I’m on a creative groove and I don’t want to stop.


I know not everyone is following me on Instagram, so if you aren’t already, follow me at @ayrgalaxyblog if you want to see what I come up with. I may or may not round-up this challenge here on the blog when it’s over, we’ll see. ANYWAY!

* * *

I thought I could do one last collective haul post. Why last you may ask? Because I kind of went a little crazy on April and bought a bunch of stuff–clothes, makeup and skincare.


I’m going to force myself to not buying ANYTHING for the next month or so unless I absolutely need it. Please pray for me, lol. I definitely need to stop spending money but in my defense, I haven’t bought clothes in a long time, and I wanted to prepare for the warmer weather too… And I did* need a few skincare and hair care products, so the makeup was just extra, lol..so… Anyway, let’s get on with this post!

Fred Meyer

I don’t think every state has this store. It’s just like any other drugstore but a little bigger than say, Walgreens/CVS.

Anyway, I did need a few products for my 30 Days of Makeup challenge, and I happened to also walk by the Wet n Wild isle and I found the Precious Petals highlighter! FINALLY! I only picked it up because I had forgotten all about it until Angela mentioned it in one of her posts. When it launched it was ALWAYS sold out, so I’m glad I waited some months for it lol.


What I got:

  • NYX White Liquid Liner
  • Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighting Powder in Precious Petals
  • NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Black Bean
  • NYX Eyeshadow Base in White


I love going to Ross for clothes. A lot of clothes are affordable, though I always find it hard to find clothes that fit me well, especially jeans, which I decided against after trying them on in the fitting room.

Anyway, I walked out with all of this:


I also recorded a short video yesterday trying on all the clothes (shoes and crossbody bag excluded).


Obviously you guys have already seen these shoes and bag on my collab with Angela, if you haven’t seen that post, read it here.


I initially went in to Ross for some kind of waterproof jacket for a hike and only found this windbreaker.


I really like it even though it doesn’t have pockets, but there is this little pocket towards the back in which I can store the windbreaker and omg!! I didn’t know of this until I got home, I was like yass!! I’m all for conserving space, especially inside my bag and I’m happy that I can stuff this in my bag if I don’t need it.

Next is an olive top. I feel like this one makes me look a little fat, but I’ve been wanting an olive top because it flatters us gals with warm skin tones. 🙂


Next is a pair of jean shorts which I needed. I do have a Levi’s pair of shorts but they’re too big on me now. Glad I replaced them with these because they’re actually really comfy.


And another two pairs of shorts, a dressier one and a sportier one. The black one is dressy, it almost looks like a skirt and it’s made of very light and flowy fabric. Perfect for dressing up in hot weather. The sporty shorts I got for when I do workouts at home, especially during the summer.


These last things are not clothes, but I couldn’t resist grabbing them because they were SO CHEAP and I could definitely use these for my planner and bullet journal. These sketching pencils set was $2.99 and would be perfect for sketching in my spreads. I’m sure Alex would get a good use out of them too.


The markers was I think $5.99 and it’s awesome that it’s 50 different colors!! 😀 I have already tested them on my bullet journal and they do not bleed, so yay!




Looking at the bag, it’s small. Doesn’t seem like much, but it’s not until I toss everything out that you really get to see how much stuff it is. My Ulta haul is probably my biggest one totaling 15 products, but my Ross haul was definitely more expensive.

First up is haircare:


Both products are from NYM, the Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray and the Clean Freak Dry Shampoo. I’m almost positive I  have tried the dry shampoo, but I can’t remember so I’m trying it again. The texturizing spray I’ve always wanted to try, especially since I have wavy-ish hair, though my hair seems to have changed drastically since my friend dyed the bottom half? Idk.. Maybe it just changed after my pregnancy, who knows.

Next is skincare, first two products from Formula 10.0.6, a brand that I’ve come to love but I’m also not 100% positive it’s CF. Some websites have had replies saying they are, and others have gone unanswered, so it’s kind of a gray area?

Anway, I got the same cleanser I use daily because I ran out, and also a micellar water because it comes in handy! 🙂


But the rest of these are sheet face masks:


I know, I know. Tony Moly isn’t CF, but I’m having a hard time finding sheet masks just like these that I genuinely love and are CF. And K-beauty brands have some AMAZING products, unfortunately they’re not very ethical. If anyone knows of a brand that has sheet face masks like Tony Moly, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! 🙂

So that is it! I’m afraid to total up the amount of money I spent, so I won’t do that, lol! BUT, a lot of stuff, I did need so that can be justified. And also, I feel like it was a good way to treat myself, mommy life is hard!

Anyway, what have you guys bought recently?
Thanks so much for reading, you guys are the best! xx


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28 thoughts on “April 2018 Collective Haul + Try-On

        1. I haven’t been to a TJ Maxxx in like…months, possibly over a year lmao. I always forget about it because it’s not that close to us, well it is and it isn’t. Ross is much closer haha

          Liked by 1 person

  1. I am so excited to see the wet n wild mentioned!!! I have been super curious about their highlighter, so this is perfect!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ross—my sister, mom, and I love shopping there for everything.

    That video is so stinking cute. Everything looks great on you! And girl, NO, the olive top looks great on you! I feel like maybe what you are seeing is the boxier shape of the shirt, maybe a long necklace or something down the front could help accent it?! But either way, I love it and you are stunning in truly anything.

    YAASS GIRL- treat yo self! Moms need the ultimate “treat yo self”…. I read something today I think you’ll appreciate.. it said,

    “Moms should get a fast pass to the front of the line at coffee shops. It should be a triage system of who needs it more! Like girl. You’re 22 and slept 11 hours. Back of the line”!

    Lol. I’m not even a mom and I laughed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m excited to use it, I’ve been patiently waiting for it lol.

      Awh thank you!! I’ll have to look for some jewelry then, perhaps it is the shape of the T-shirt itself lol. Thanks you’re too sweet! ❤️

      Hahaha omg that’s perfect!! I love that. And seriously, sometimes I don’t get how people who don’t do anything and don’t have kids can say they’re tired lol. Like if you work all day fine, I get it, but if they laze around all day doing NOTHING, and sleeping so soundly, how are they tired? Ahah

      Thanks for brightening up my evening/night lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahha, agreed. I feel like that sometimes with nursing… like people will say, “I Had to get up for work at 6 am and work until 4!”…. ummmm try 4:30 am until 8 pm. I empathize (But also know that NOTHING is a 24-7 job like being a momma!). Happy early mother’s day by the way ❤ XOX

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lol well I must say you’ve opened up my eyes about the struggles of nursing. It’s hard taking care of people whether it’s your own children or patients so nursing comes really close to motherhood. The hard times hit you the same way. Trust me. Lol.
          And thanks doll!, 💜

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Omg I love sheet face masks and I use those 7th Heaven ones too! That’s so exciting! Those trainers and that cross body bag are too cute, I love the colour of them both. Those jean shorts look so good on you and I love the black ones too, they’re definitely a style I would wear! Yes to NYX products, NYX is for sure one of my favourite makeup brands! Great haul hun x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 7th Heaven is amazing and I love that they’re CF and vegetarian.
      The trainers are my fave, they’re comfy and they’re the kind of shoes I wear all the time anyway lol.
      Awh thanks!! I like to try on clothes a second time at home to make sure I’m gonna like them lol.
      Yes, nyx is amazing!!


  3. I’m sad your makeup challenge is over, I hope to see the roundup in the end here on your blog. 😀 And the Fred Meyer in Washington has groceries, too. It’s like an upscale Super Center Walmart more so than a Walgreens!! I love that store!
    That is SO cool that you can fold that windbreaker up like that! You totally deserve to treat yourself from time to time! The face masks are gonna be so fun. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m actually a little glad it’s over lol. I worked so hard all month. Now I’m like….”what do I post now.” 😂
      I love Fred Meyer. My go to store for food lol.
      I know the windbreaker is freaking awesome haha. And thank you. April was stressful for me. Not because of the blog, just regular mommy and family life lol.
      I cannot wait to use the cherry blossom ones

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay you finally got the Wet’n’wild highlighter!! Haha, I still like to use it every now and then, but my favourite is still my Becca one 😀
    That windbreaker is so awesome, it’s cool that it can fold itself into that little pouch! Very handy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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