June 2019 BoxyLuxe — Unboxing

Hello my dolls!

I am working on figuring out a schedule for my blog again that way I can commit to said schedule so you guys know when to expect content because I’m not being super consistent anymore. For that I apologize. This may work out better for me because I have come up with a million ideas that I would like to execute before the end of summer! LOL

Anyway, once I’ve come up that schedule for both my blog and my channel, I will let you guys know!

Theme: Getaway

I always love the art/graphics they chose for their themes, and this one is no different of course. Super pretty and so tropical and reminiscent of summer. Love it!

Watch me unbox it:

This month we got 9 products, which is fine. I really was impressed with the products we got this month and I cannot wait to start trying so many of these!


P.S. I forgot to take a photo of ALL the products together, so I might only for IG! Sorry!

Let’s get started because I want you guys to see everything!

Mini Turbo On-the-Go Dryer

Retail Price: $85.00 USD

I was super happy to have gotten this because my current blow dryer is ANCIENT! I have been needing to replace it for literal YEARS and that is not a joke. I guess in a sense it’s a good thing I waited, my patience payed off! 😀


I love how cute and small it is and it does come with two attachments which I love. I also love the fact that it’s a purple color. The PYT Mini Straightener from my December BoxyLuxe was turquoise so I’m glad it’s not a “matching” set, per se. Since I have short hair, I think it will work well for me.

Living Proof
Full Dry Volume Blast

Retail Price: $29.00 USD


So excited to have a product like this. I’m pretty sure a lot of people use these kinds of products to add texture and volume after they’ve styled their hair, which I feel my hair lacks on its own. I will look into how to use it correctly so I don’t waste it trying to figure it out. If anyone has tips for using this, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

Dr. Brandt
Clean Biotic PH-Balanced Yogurt Cleanser With Chlorophyll

Retail Price: $35.00 USD


I’ve never heard of chlorophyll being used as an ingredient, nor do I know what kind of benefits it has for skin, so I’m excited to look into and see if I feel any difference in my skin. This product will definitely be a first and I can’t wait because Dr. Brandt products tend to be pretty good!

Truffle Therapy Radiant Dew Mist

Retail Price: $35.00 USD


I’ve only tried a sample serum I got from an Ulta order, and guys…I Looooved that serum so much because it was so light-weight and it absorbed quickly, so I already have a good impression of this brand, I’m hoping the quality of this one is just as good! I have been really into facial mists lately and I think this will come in handy this summer as it hydrates and refreshes the skin! 🙂

Tarteist PRO Glow Cheek Palette V3

Retail Price: $45.00 USD


I wasn’t sure about this product because you guys know that I don’t really care much for cheek palettes. I just don’t reach for them as often as I would like to. After skipping the CoverFX face palette from my March BoxyLuxe, I’m willing to give this a try because I’ve heard good reviews about this one and not so much the other one. Hope I like it!

Touch in Sol
No Poreblem Primer Essence

Retail Price: $23.00 USD


I already have their primer that we received in February’s Boxycharm, so at first I was confused as to what the hell this product was… Like a 2-in-1 kind of product? Seems like it. I’m going to look more into it and how to use it etc. But this product might be promising considering I liked their primer.

Honeymoon Glow AHA Resurfacing Night Serum

Retail Price: $58.00 USD


I’m sooo excited to try this product! Every single product I’ve tried from Farmacy I’ve LOVED! Their products always blow my mind at how great they are. Everything is good quality and I cannot wait to use this! I have been searching for a retinol serum because it has done WONDERS for my acne prone skin. I cannot wait to include this product into my night time skin care routine, but will need to be very mindful to wear lots of sunscreen as it’s getting hotter!

Good Vibes Mascara

Retail Price: $25.00 USD


So this mascara has a curling tool in the cap which is super weird, apparently the first of its kind. The mascara’s description says it curls, lengthens and adds volume. That’s literally my DREAM mascara! However, even when mascaras claim to be volumizing or lengthening, my lashes just don’t respond well to them. So when the time comes to try this mascara, I won’t get my hopes up, just in case it’s no good.

Anyway, real quick, the curling tool.. I’m not so sure about it? It’s a very cool innovative thing to do but who knows how it will actually work?? I’m a bit skeptical about it. We’ll see.

Dominique Cosmetics
Lemonade Lipgloss in Peach Tea

Retail Price: $17.00 USD


So happy to have gotten this one!! I am so proud of Dominique for launching her own makeup line and everything looks stunning, can’t wait to save up enough money for one of her palettes in the future (fingers crossed). Anyway, even though this is a lip gloss, I’m not mad at that because I’ve been HEAVILY into wearing lip glosses lately, and I might end up using them a lot this summer. I’m loving that this one can’t be worn on top of other lipsticks so I’ll have to try that too!

That’s it you guys, that is all the products in this month’s BoxyLuxe!

The total value of this box was $352.00 USD!! This was $50 more than my March BoxyLuxe AND the last box had 10 and this month’s 9, so that’s super cool! I can’t wait to try most of these and I will have to do a BoxyLuxe products round up because I haven’t really reviewed ANY of these boxes, I’m sorry! Anyway..

What did you guys think of this month’s BoxyLuxe?
Who else is subscribed and what did you get?signature

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Subscribe to Boxycharm to get a box with 4 to 5 full size products with a retail value of over $100 for only $21/month, and upgrade to BoxyLuxe (quarterly) for an extra $28.99 to get 9 or 10 full sized products with a box value exceeding $250!

45 thoughts on “June 2019 BoxyLuxe — Unboxing

    1. Thank you! I’m usually a little skeptical about the pinky shades even if it’s lip gloss because they CAN wash me out.
      Ah that’s so great! 😀 Have you tried this cheek palette before? I have their tartest eyeshadow palette (also with Amazonian Clay) and I like it very much 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by! ❤


    1. You were right! Some of your comments went into my spam but not all of them I don’t think.
      Anyway, thanks so much! This box was fantastic and the Farmacy serum is one I’m looking forward to trying the most and seeing if it makes a difference for my skin 🙂 thanks for reading! xx

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  1. What!! The value of the items in this box is so good compared to what you pay monthly for it. That’s amazing! I love that you got a hairdryer and the colour of it is so pretty too, and it’s perfect since you needed a new one anyway! I hope you like the cheek palette, the colours are so pretty! You’ll have to let us know how you get on and what you think of the mascara too, the name of it is so cool! Let’s hope the products as good as it sounds!!! Fingers crossed!

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    1. I know right? It’s one reason I love BC so much!! It totally beats Ipsy because I’m not constantly getting items I don’t want or sample items. I get way more than what I pay for and then some. 🙂
      I hope to be doing a BoxyLuxe round up of products from past boxes because I realized I haven’t done none of that and besides eyeshadow palettes, I don’t want to do single reviews. I rather put five products together like a regular box lol.

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  2. oooo this is a great box! So many wonderful products! I’m interested to see how the Living Proof volumizer works out for you. I’ve heard great things about the brand, but never tried it out myself. Can’t wait to see your reviews!

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    1. Isn’t it?? 😀 I love it! I’m so interested in trying the Living Proof product too! I remember liking their dry shampoo, so I hope this is a product that will be in my hair care routine.


  3. Boxyluxe is sooo good! I need to get a box one of these days. I love that there’s a hairdryer, and I can’t wait to hear what you think of the Farmacy Honeymoon Glow. Enjoy your products Rossy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right? Super happy for all of these products! Finally found out the voltage in my outlet so I can use the hair dryer now haha
      Hopefully I can write up a post of a bunch of boxyluxe products I’ve been sleeping on them lol

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  4. Oh that cleanser sounds really interesting! I’ve never heard of a yogurt cleanser, nor of chlorophyll being used as an ingredient, like you said, so I’m really interested to hear about your experience with it! I wonder what it’s supposed to do differently? And also if it delivers on those claims, lol. 😉

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    1. I still havent tried it lol. I’m just so into other products right now I’d hate to change it up again haha
      Yeah I’ll definitely have to test it thoroughly but skincare also takes quite a while to test. Two weeks is kind of the minimum but not nearly as good enough to do a thorough review. I might just have to start using it this week

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        1. Testing new products is fun because sometimes you will get that one product that is slightly better than something you’re using or a brand new product you’ve never used that makes SUCH a difference for your skin. You can never know lol.

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  5. Aw I don’t blowdry my hair but that mini one is so cute– I would’ve wanted a matching one to the straightener if I did get it! Glad you got the color you wanted though. 🙂

    I have no idea how to use that hairspray but I hope you got some good tips & have been able to get it to work for you! I would have so loved to receive the Dr. Brandt cleanser, the Skin&Co dew mist, & the Farmacy stuff in my box!!

    The Tarte palette is so gorgeous. I love how sturdy it is & how it opens up but I’ve just thrown away tons of Tarte blushes & a highlighter because they just aren’t pigmented enough for me… would love to know how the shades worked for you if you tried it yet?

    I got that Touch in Sol Essence, too. I’m also confused on when & how to use it… did you find anything out? lol. So cool about the curling tool being part of the mascara, too… wow! Hope it worked!!

    I also got that DC lip gloss. It’s so pretty in the package but I haven’t tried it yet!! I am so happy other people are loving glosses just as much as I always have because more & more keep popping up now. Yay!! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it would have been kind meh to me to have matching ones, though I love the concept of matching, I just wanted a different color because I love pastels so much LOL
      I’ve only tried the blow dryer- obviously- the yogurt cleanser and the farmacy serum so far and I love them both! 🙂 so so good! Can’t wait to use the rest of what’s in the box 🙂
      I haven’t tried the essence primer but apparently it’s just a primer XD but it can be used alone as well, apparently some people claim that it doubles as a moisturizer which is nice
      the lipgloss looked okay on me i still haven’t worn it outside so i haven’t checked how it looks under different lighting lol

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      1. Lol yeah the pastel colors really are pretty. I totally get why you wanted a different one. 🙂

        Ooh, so good to hear that you are liking most everything you’ve tried so far! I haven’t touched anything from my June box yet lol. 😛

        Oh weird that the essence is just a primer! How is it different than the last one they sent us?! Just the moisturizing qualities?

        I bet the lipgloss looks amazing on ya! You’re just always a little iffy about pink lippies!

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        1. LOL I haven’t touched a few palettes that I got in my March BoxyLuxe, so you’re not alone nor are you the only one that forgets to try products LOL.
          And I guess it’s not different from the other one at all except for texture maybe? The other feels more like a silicon primer whereas this one feels a moisturizing primer.

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          1. Lol it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t use my sub box items right away! I’m curios about the primer. I may keep it but I’m not sure yet!

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          2. I say keep it until you feel ready to try it, and if you change your mind, then you can still just give it away.
            Speaking of giveaway, I really need to set mine up too but haven’t had the chance to stop by the post office or ask Alex at his work. It seems shipping cosmetics is a huge deal that the post office may not allow. I kind of got away with sending you things because I didn’t say anything =X

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          3. Whaaat? I didn’t know shipping cosmetics wasn’t allowed? I have a giveaway ready for August! Last year I didn’t have any issues. Is it like a new law?! 😦

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          4. Not that it isnt allowed but more like there are some restrictions? I havent done enough research to find just WHAT you cant send but from my understanding, its mainly perfumes? Everything else if its boxed it should be okay? Like I said, I havent looked into what restrictions they have, it’s just a matter of asking I guess. I’ll try to find out though USPS.

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          5. Ok so I just looked and it seems like you CAN ship liquids, so long as they’re in a waterproof container. I doubt you’ll be sending any liquids but i do need to know that kind of stuff since i might have a toner in my giveaway. I’ll buy everything first and take it to the post office and ask in case I need to take anything out lol

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          6. That’s a good idea to just bring it all to the Post Office & ask first lol. They all prob have different rules & regulations! Thanks for letting me know though, I had no idea!

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          7. No problem 🙂 I hope you’re able to send everything you had planned for, I might just have my giveaway in August as well 😉 I can’t really do it this month, I think I’ll just spend this month getting stuff together and asking the post office

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    1. It’s a great box, you only get it quarterly. However, the only bad thing is you have to be subscribed to boxycharm for it. This boxyluxe is kind of like an upgrade or add-on to their basic subscription. The monthly sub is $21 and every quarter you pay an extra $28.99 for this one. It’s a shame that you’re not allowed to get this one without a subscription, perhaps more people would flock to it too if it was.

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      1. Thanks for the info! I like that it’s quartet actually. I’ve been in a few other monthly ones and I end up with way too much stuff!! I’m actually in the UK so will need to check if they deliver here… maybe that’s why I don’t know about it 😦 x

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        1. Ah, well the downside of Boxycharm is you CANNOT get their BoxyLuxe (the quarterly one) without subscribing to their regular monthly one. So you’ll be paying $21 each month for the regular box, and then $49.99 every quarter. It’s actually a LOT of money LOL.
          And I don’t believe they ship to the UK (yet) which is why you probably haven’t heard of it

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