A Year of Play! by Sephora + My Thoughts On It


I enjoyed doing my A Year of Ipsy post, and at the same time I thought I could do one for my Play! by Sephora subscription as well. So here it is!! πŸ˜€


Like last time, I will be rating both the bags and products:

Here’s my rating system for the bags:

5/5: Absolutely loved it!
4/5: It was pretty good.
3/5: It was alright!
2/5: Not my favorite!
1/5: Did not like at all

My rating system for the products will be slightly different. Each month I receive six (6) products (including the monthly bonus sample), so each product will be worth one point! Though I know a score out 6 is kind of weird LOL.

Anyway… Most of these products I’ve also had for a while so by now I’m able to tell you if I liked the products or not.

So let’s get started! I’ll do my best to keep each one brief.

June 2017 / / Your Summer Starters


Being the first bag I received I wasn’t super excited about it. I personally don’t like the image lol. Also, I didn’t know that they had better quality bags than these cotton ones, so I’ll give it an extra point just for being the first. #generous

Bag Rating: 3/5



I only used 4 out 6 products, two I gave away (or will be giving away still). I also don’t use the lipstick as often because it’s such a bold color. In reality, I only liked 3 products at the most.

Product Rating:Β 3/6

Read: June 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

July 2017 / / Beauty Staycation


This bag was okay as well.. I liked the pink and white gingham pattern but disliked the phrase “Glamp Out”. I know it was a take on “camping out” but, I don’t know. I would have been fine with “Glam Out”..

Bag Rating: 3/5



I actually liked most of the products in this month’s bag, except for one.

Product Rating: 5/6

Read: July 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

August 2017 / / The Innovators


“Makeup Geek” was on this month’s bag, and I couldn’t help but think that they could have come up with another phrase since MUG is an actual brand? And why “geek”? Are scientists geeks? No, they’re geniuses, in my opinion..Β  Didn’t like it that much, and also it was the cheap bag.

Bag Rating: 2/5



I liked half of the products, the perfumes I gave away. It was an okay bag, but it seemed like hardly anything.

Product Rating: 3/5 (because I didn’t use one)

Read: August 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

September 2017 / / Fall Into Beauty


This was the first bag in which I got a taste for the better quality bags. It has a satin feel to it, and for once I liked the phrase: “A Change of Face” which came with the new season and needing to change up our skincare routine.

Bag Rating: 5/5



I was impressed with this bag’s products but I wasn’t super blown away by them. The shampoo wasn’t my favorite due to the scent, and the more I used the eyeliner, the less I liked it so….

Product Rating: 4/6

Read: September 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

October 2017 / / Complexion Companions


Back to the cheap bags, and also, I didn’t like the image as much either. And the phrase doesn’t make ANY sense to me..

Bag Rating: 1/5



I actually really liked all of these products, except the MUFE foundation which I couldn’t use because it was a tad too dark for me. But it was a good bag all around!

Product Rating: 5/5 (because I didn’t use one)

Read: October 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

November 2017 / / Survival of the Chillest


I liked how intricate the design was, and how it was simply black and white. For once I didn’t completely hate the bag.

Bag Rating: 4/5



I remember liking everything, but I have yet to use one product (the mascara).

Product Rating: 5/5 (only used five products)

Read: November 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

December 2017 / / The 2017 Play! List


This was another one of my favorite bags, and for some reason, it gave me The Great Gatsby vibes! πŸ˜€ I loved it!

Bag Rating: 5/5



I honestly loved all of these products as well. It was a great bag to end the year with! πŸ™‚

Product Rating: 6/6

Read: December 2017 Play! by Sephora Review

January 2018 / / Happy You Year


The design was okay, and I also like the blue ribbon for a wintery color accent.

Bag Rating: 3/5



I didn’t like all the products but it was a good bag with high quality products.

Product Rating: 4/6

Read: January 2018 Play! by Sephora Review

February 2018 / / Feel the Love


It was a little simple and kind of weird that her hair is in the shape of a heart? Not my favorite. I liked Ipy’s February bag better, lol.

Bag Rating: 2/5



I noticed I was getting a lot of lipsticks, especially from the Sephora brand. I gave away the NARS lippie because it looked like a shade that I already have. I really only liked 2 or 3 items so it was kind of a let down.

Product Rating: 3/6

Read: February 2018 Play! by Sephora Review

March 2018 / / Festival Of Beauty


Another of my favorite. It felt like polyester to me, super soft! The phrase and font were also quite nice! πŸ™‚

Bag Rating: 5/5



I gave away two products because I know I wasn’t going to use them. I’ve only used three products so far, so it was an eh bag.

Product Rating: 3/4 (gave two away)

Read: March 2018 Play! by Sephora Review

April 2018 / / Insta Beauty


By far the most simplest bag ever that doesn’t look like any effort was put into it. The only thing that stands out is the colors. Lame.

Bag Rating: 1/5



I liked most products thankfully, so in a way they kind of made up for the bag.

Product Rating: 5/6

Read: April 2018 Play! by Sephora Review

May 2018 / / Beauty Goals


I’m still not sure how I feel about the bag. It’s cute because it’s different.

Bag Rating: 3/5



I’m still technically testing these products out, but so far it’s all looking good.

Review: COMING SOON! πŸ™‚

My Thoughts on Play! by Sephora

So a lot of these bags are kind of miss for me, for the most part. When they include their satin ones, I like those better but also the phrases can kind of make the bag “eh”.

I’ve been enjoying trying out the products I’ve been receiving in this subscription because if you liked a product and want to buy the full size, you can just go to Sephora and buy it! Unlike Ipsy, they don’t sell them to you, you have to go out and find it yourself.


A lot of the samples are just as small as the ones you’d receive in Ipsy, and I hate how fast I go through the skincare ones, but makeup typically lasts a lot longer. AND the good thing is that you’re getting to try high-end samples for only $10.

It does seem you get to try a full-size item pretty much every month, so that’s another plus. However, their customer service really sucks. If you received a damage product it’s kind of impossible to contact them directly..


Another good thing is the play card you get each month, they’re each worth 50 points which you can redeem whenever you purchase something, so it’s good to take advantage of that if you buy from Sephora often. You also get to see the consultants so that’s really cool, but that’s not something I’m too interested in.


I’ve enjoyed this subscription so far. I’m still subscribed but I think I will end up unsubscribing in a couple months if I feel like I’m getting products from the same brands. I’m just tired of getting Sephora brand lipsticks, they need to start sending me something else BESIDES lipsticks as well. So hopefully that improves otherwise I’m canceling it.

What about you guys? Are you subscribed? Are you happy with it? Or are there certain things you don’t like about it either? Let me know in the comments! πŸ™‚


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25 thoughts on “A Year of Play! by Sephora + My Thoughts On It

    1. I personally like Ipsy’s bags more. And this one is ok but it also IS* pretty cheap, so you kind of get what you pay for, which is why people go for glossybox and boxycharm and all those other ones that are far more expensive but totally worth it lol. I’d say these $10 subscriptions are good if you’re barely starting out in makeup or want to try something new

      Liked by 2 people

    1. How do you like glossybox?
      I unsubscribed from Birchbox many years ago because I got tired of all the hair products lol. And the skincare samples I used to get were ridiculously small, barely three uses, sometimes only one.


    1. A lot of skin care samples are used up pretty quickly, it’s the makeup that takes a while to finish up. But I will be doing a decluttering soon and get rid of a lot of makeup hopefully lol. Especially lipsticks, I have way too many.
      And about the bags, I may end up tossing the ones I don’t like or find a use for them because they’re in one of my storage boxes lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I absolutely adore the designs on these bags, however just like you I’m not sure I would start a subscription. I mean I really like the concept, however I am rather picky when it comes to beauty products, so I would probably end up only using one of the products per bag… ❀ xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it can be tough, I’m thinking this month will be my last bag if I keep getting the same products.. I will* be keeping my Boxycharm for the time being, the value greatly exceeds the price

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m subscribed to Play! By Sephora, too 😊 I love how nicely you arranged the pictures to recap the past year. I agreed with a majority of what you said- I also seem to go through the skin care ones really fast versus the makeup πŸ’„ Great review!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ooh I loved this post, Rossy! So fun! My favorite bag designs are July, September, & March but I hate the sayings on all of ’em… so lame lol.

    I’ve not been so excited with Play! boxes lately & I even thought about cancelling it too, but I know I’d miss it too much. Maybe after a year, I’ll be sick of it enough to get rid of it. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think the only thing that has stopped me from subscribing is the repetitiveness. I feel like it’s always the same brands and stuff. I personally like the full size products of Boxycahrm too haha, but thats just because I’m crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah that’s the only reason I’m hating it so I’ll see what I receive this month. If the contents are good I’ll wait until the next month but I really think I’ll cancel it soon. I’ll have to declutter my makeup

      Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ve seen the spoilers and it looks pretty decent! At least I think it looks way better than the last few. πŸ˜‚

            Liked by 1 person

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